talentguide SUBSCRIPTION pricing

Discover a plan that aligns with your needs

Are you prepared to enhance your workforce's capabilities? Our subscription plans are tailored to meet the specific needs of your organization. Whether you are just beginning to nurture your talents or are actively future-proofing your workforce, we are here to support you! Start your talentguide subscription for as little as zero Euro per month.



Establish your business talentspace. Manage employee skills, job requirements, identify candidates, analyze job fit, propose education programs (*).


Excl. VAT – monthly billing through credit card

  • Free for up to 5 seats; buy more if needed
  • Skills Passport
  • Fit-gap Analysis
  • Recommended Education Programs
  • Talent Marketplace
  • Expert Assistant (Ask talentguide...)
  • talentguide™ Library


Establish your business talentspace. Manage employee skills, job requirements, identify candidates, analyze job fit, propose education programs. Add corporate single sign-on (*).


Excl. VAT – monthly billing through credit card

  • Starts from 50 seats; buy more if needed
  • Skills Passport
  • Fit-gap Analysis
  • Recommended Education Programs
  • Talent Marketplace
  • Expert Assistant (Ask talentguide…)
  • Corporate SSO
  • talentguide™ Library


Coming Soon
Establish your business talentspace. Manage employee skills, job requirements, identify candidates, analyze job fit, propose education programs. Connect your business applications, gain skills analytics (*).


Excl. VAT – monthly billing through credit card

  • Starts from 100 seats; buy more if needed
  • Skills Passport
  • Fit-gap Analysis
  • Recommended Education Programs
  • Talent Marketplace
  • Expert Assistant (Ask talentguide…)
  • Corporate SSO
  • Business Application Integration (HCM, LMS, etc.,)
  • Skills Intelligence (analytics)
  • talentguide™ Library

Our trusted clients & partners

Unlock your workforce potential!

Our goal is to equip you with a powerful and unbiased reference framework that enhances various HRM services, including skill-based job and people discovery, thorough employee development, and job (re)design. Together, let's unlock the full potential of your workforce.

(*) TalentGuide BV reserves the right to adjust the scope and usage scenarios included in the subscription.