Start with Sphere.Work & talentguide

Elevate your organization by honing in on skills, utilizing Sphere-Work and talentguide insights to shape a future-ready workplace.

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Discover essential job skills and align them with your own to optimize organizational potential!


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    Why use talentguide?


    Get a view of your skills

    Get a clear view of your team's skills to better manage their employability. This clarity helps you use existing talent wisely and fix skill gaps, making sure your team is ready for any current and future needs. 

    Try talentguide
    Promote In-house Mobility

    Promote in-house mobility

    Improve internal mobility by tapping into the talents of your employees, with a clear plan for training them in new skills. This approach saves money on hiring by creating a team that can easily move to different roles within the company.

    Try talentguide

    Retain, engage & grow your employees

    Invest in career growth opportunities that improve your employees' skills and interests. By focusing on their professional development, you boost job satisfaction, loyalty, and productivity, leading to a stronger and more engaged workforce.

    Try talentguide
    Sphere.Work & TALENTGUIDE

    A partnership dedicated to supporting your success!

    The widening productivity gap between companies highlights the critical role of skills. Sphere.Work innovates in skill mapping & management, enhancing success.

    • FOR INDIVIDUALS & LEADERS: Utilizing AI technology for skill mapping and assessment creates personalized development plans, facilitating internal career growth by aligning skills with suitable positions.

    • FOR HR & ORGANIZATIONS: Collecting skill data to identify strengths and areas for improvement, optimizing training and recruitment efforts to address specific skill requirements.

    Sphere.Work BV

    Schapulierstraat 14/201, 1800 Vilvoorde, Belgium | +32 476 957 296

    VAT: BE0770.632.831 | LER: Brussels

    Bert Van Rompaey

    At Sphere.Work, we work hand in hand with organizations to enhance their productivity and align with industry standards. Our expertise covers four key areas, one of which is skill readiness. We are dedicated to providing practical and easy-to-understand strategies, steering clear of complex consultant terminology. By teaming up with talentguide, we offer a platform for assessing organizational skills, empowering informed strategic workforce planning, succession planning, and more.

    Bert Van Rompaey
    Founding Partner
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    Our trusted clients & partners

    Elevate your organization!

    Improve your company's strengths and maintain a competitive edge by focusing on skills development.

    You can try out talentguide for free - and there you have it! You will be creating your very own talentspace!